Take the Immigration Bill for instance. Deep down inside the bill, which is probably too long for its own authors to read, is a plan for a National ID Card System. As if we do not have enough crap with which to deal and as if it does not take long enough to wait in line at the Driver's License office, some people in Congress, known as the Gang of Eight, now want us to wait longer and to do it in a federal line in order to secure an ID. Oh by the way, not only a do they propose to implement a National ID but also a national database of pictures so that it will be "easier" to check immigration status. How many illegal immigrants do you actually see walking around Mainstreet USA anyway? Not to minimize the problems in certain areas, but let us not make this out to be a crisis in every community in the land. Get real.

According to Senator Marco Rubio on the other hand, the national ID system will finally enable companies to check job applicants for citizenship prior to hiring them as if it is currently impossible to do so currently. Really, Rubio? What's your problem? Every hear of the Form I-9? Since you obviously have not heard of it, here is the link: Form I-9 for Dummies Like Rubio.

Well Rubio, what does that tell you? It says to me that there is already a form, that the form is actually a federal requirement to complete on every new hire, and that if completed at all, the form prevents companies from hiring illegal immigrants. In summation, it sounds to me like you are wasting all of our time trying to do something useless to make yourself look good. What is in it for you? Get your name on the Big Immigration Bill? Be a part of the Gang of Eight? Big Freshman Senator Scores Big with Giganto Immigration Bill? Good Luck with that one....
Save it for the idiots, Rubio. Open your eyes, and before you get us into another big government fiasco, look into what your government already requires. Do not be naive either. If you think for a minute that the I-9 does not work, it is not because the I-9 does not work; it is because no one completes the I-9. No one completes the I-9 because the federal government does not require it to be submitted; the federal government only requires that the employer complete it. There. I just told you where the fly in the ointment exists. A form to solve illegal immigration, but the government does not want to check it. Afraid of what you might find, you want to create an even bigger system with even more information because bigger is always better. Am I right??
Senator Rubio missed a big chance to do something good for his country, but Senator Rand Paul on the other hand is handling the situation masterfully. I like Rand's stances on many issues, and he continues to make me proud. I almost wish I lived in Kentucky, but perhaps I will get my chance to vote for him in 2016. As for me, I Stand With Rand.
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