Monday, August 12, 2013

Political Censorship in Progress: Did Missouri Rodeo Clown/Obama Stunt Go Too Far?

I am a private citizen, and I approved this message:

Respect for elected officials?  Reverence for those chosen to lead us?  At what price, and at what cost?  Further, who decides when criticism is disrespectful or has gone too far?  It sounds like a job for the Morality Police to me, but wait, we do not have that....yet....

As Americans, we reserve the right to treat disrespectfully anyone that we choose.  All one needs to do is pick up the newspaper to see the pages littered intermittently with articles decrying politicos of both parties, so why are we supposed to care when one receives a particularly pointed attack?  Have you ever seen Saturday Night Live?  If not, and satirically horrendous comedy offends you, then you better start asking the FCC to police our discourse because SNL is one show that takes presidential criticism to entirely new levels.

Clown Obama Missouri: Did rodeo stunt go too far? -
Personally, I take part in elections, and politicians are employees of the government.  Politicians have no hereditary advantage or unique assignment in receiving their office; therefore, we owe no allegiance to any person tasked with serving the country--especially when they volunteer to do it.  Before you start feeling sorry for politicians, take a look at their compensation package, which continues for life, and their benefits package.  Keep in mind that they just exempted themselves from Obamacare while the rest of us suffer through the unknown.  How many of you go to work everyday and eat worldclass cuisine for a paltry $5 per meal at a taxpayer funded, high class diner right on site in the capitol?

Upon last examination, I discovered that the history of politicians holds plenty of corruption, and when tasked with the greatest decisions, the short end of the stick hits the public up side the head most of the time.  Considering everything to which politicians have subjected us, who will hold them accountable if not for the American People?  So far, the American People are not doing such a hot job, yet we are supposed to refrain from throwing personal insults or having good fun at their expense?  Spare me the civilities while I shed a tear for Lord Nelson over this conundrum.

Most egregious of all are people who proclaim that this rodeo stunt had something to do with Obama's blackness.  Really?  As if there is not enough Sharpton and Jackson around, do we need to immediately assert that criticism of Obama is racial?  What about this: I think Obama is the biggest doofus ever to enter the office of the President.  Did I utter the word "black" once in that sentence?  No I did not because his color has nothing to do with it.  I can accept a President of any color as long as the person supports my free way of life, but even if the person does not, it is not because of the person's color.  All people, white, black, orange, yellow, and redneck, are capable of being idiots.  Take a walk through New York City to see for yourself.

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