Monday, August 4, 2014

Thought on the Israel Crisis

Having served as a Marine, and continuing to be one to this day, it never ceases to amaze me the amount of second guessing that non-war, long hair, hippie type people vocally demonstrate about those in harm's way.  They do so from the comfort of their air conditioned home knowing that their own home would never be bombed by an aggressor.

What is worse is when a historically persecuted people defend themselves in the only manner they can, these American arm chair quarterbacks swing into action in an effort to demoralize the underdog while rationalizing the actions of the instigator.

Before stepping into an argument that you know little about, you should realize that everything being done is similar and the same to what we, as a country, have done in defense of our own offensive capability, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, etc.

The death of civilians in any conflict is unavoidable, especially when the enemy chooses to conduct operations in populated areas.  Research the number of civilian deaths in any conflict in the history of mankind before accusing a lawful government of genocide, especially when the citizens of that lawful country were actual victims of genocide in gas chambers, firing squads, and who knows what other sick and atrocious things they encountered.

We have no responsibility to support that country's efforts, but neither do we have an obligation to support the other side simply because a news outlet chooses to select those pictures engendering the most emotional reactions.  They do so because it directly translates into viewership which in turn positively affects ratings.  Those ratings in turn convert themselves into higher dollar value of commercials to sell to corporate America.  In effect, your criticism serves to persecute Jewish people to the benefit of corporate America.  Yes, that's you, driving up ratings so that media executives can afford private yachts.

Let there be no mistake, I stand with Israel, as one who served and as one who has knowledge of that type of combat.

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