Monday, July 6, 2015

Illegal immigration and the safety of your children

To the average, disinterested American and to the Democrat, those who enter the country illegally are a non-issue.  The average American does not care because he or she believes it will never affect him or her, and the Democrat knows there is a high likelihood that the illegal individual, once naturalized via amnesty, will register to vote Democrat.  Democrats essentially buy votes indirectly by turning a blind eye to a very real problem.  What if you are not the average American and you become a crime statistic?

When you have a porous border, when you require no identification to receive benefits, when you do not check for citizen status when registering to vote, and when you make no serious effort to deport those illegal immigrants convicted of actual crimes, as a country, you surrendered your ability to maintain any accountability over whatever programs you have in place.  Want food stamps even though you should not be here?  Here you go.  Want a driver's license and a voter's registration card even though you should not be here?  Sure, no problem.  Convicted of a crime? Just do not do it again.  How fair is it to the rest of us for an administration to refuse to enforce existing laws simply for the benefit of a political agenda?  Not very.

The President demonstrates a refusal to enforce laws that he does not approve.  Deport someone who committed a crime?  No.  Deport illegals?  No.  What other parts of his job is he not doing while not telling us of his inaction?  Can you really trust this person to track terrorist threats when he refuses to secure a border?  If you look up the definition of "not secure", I am fairly certain that you will discover that, as it pertains to the border, anyone might come and go with little threat of getting caught.  It was this exact type of vulnerability that enabled terrorists to board planes with box cutters and change our national security landscape forever.  Have we yet forgotten that terrorists research weak areas in security, exploit those weak areas, and set up these types of monumental acts to gain notoriety?

For one, I am entirely sick of the incompetence sitting inside the White House at this very moment.  I am completely disgusted by a political establishment that refuses to address a serious issue simply because it benefits directly from inaction.  I am totally fed up with anyone who makes excuses for anyone crossing the border ILLEGALLY.  In short, if these statements describe you, you are a consummate idiot.  

"According to a recent study released from the Center for Immigration Studies, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released 30,558 criminally-convicted illegal immigrants, with a total of 79,059 convictions altogether, in 2014.
Furthermore, the CIS report shows that among the 904,000 illegal immigrants who have ignored orders to leave the U.S., approximately 167,527 of these are convicted criminal immigrants.
Likewise, CIS’s April 2015 statistics indicate ICE has only arrested 11,983 at-large convicted criminal immigrants—despite the fact 168,000 criminal immigrants were identified.
The concern is that these convicted criminal immigrants will commit crimes upon being released, as in Sanchez’s case.
“The long-term ramifications are continued crime inflicted upon U.S. citizens,” Marguerite Telford, director of communications at CIS, said in an interview with The Daily Signal in June. “So the [Obama] administration’s catch and release policy means these criminal aliens are free to commit additional crimes.”

How Unusual Is Francisco Sanchez Case?

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