Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Plight of the Governed...

Ladies & Gents, you know what I find hilariously disturbing?  I will tell you.  The country is ideologically divided, wouldn't you agree?  Half the country likes government one way, and half the country likes government another way.  Would you agree with that statement?  If true, can we seriously state that either side is wrong or right?  To me, it shakes out as one of preference instead of wrong or right.  In other words, it is possible for a government to operate in any size and efficiency, but it depends upon the governed to decide how much they like.

Left wing people favor a more government approach.  Right wing people favor a more private approach.  Politicians favor a more government approach because they, being part of the government, crave job security.  Politicians sell their votes on case by case basis to lobbyists of the highest bidder, and in so doing guarantee a crony capitalist, corporatist, state/corporate run partnership where individuals like us sacrifice our rights for the politician's hidden privileges--those garnered behind the scenes, under tables, and in dark alleys.

The hapless dichotomy of the pro-government approach for the well-meaning left wing activist is that they inadvertently cede more power to the state which encroaches bit by bit upon the individual liberties of everyone, left wing and right wing inclusive.  The well-meaning right wing does the same by falling for other traps involving well intended regulations and laws in other areas.

If we rely upon government to police itself, it seems to be a bit like asking criminal gangs to do the right thing.  If no integrity exists, then what is the plight of the governed?  As for me, I choose freedom from the tentacles of government, and I believe that if a law does not involve criminal activity, i.e. murder, rape, robbery, etc., then that law stands a good chance of not being needed.

Big government people tend to be very altruistic as if government consistently gives us reason to trust it.  On the contrary, if anything, government has given us many more reasons not to trust it, and it solidifies its power with every new law and regulation.  If you want to defang the government and nullify its power, it is best to remove its mechanisms one at a time--if not all at once.

It amazes me that people we charge with protecting our freedom spend most of their time scheming and plotting how to undercut it.  As such, if you like government, have it, but leave the rest of us without it.  It seems more responsible, not to mention considerate, to err on the side of caution and not do anything that encroaches upon the freedom of another.

I stand as a free man and welcome others like me.  If you oppose freedom, I hope you receive that which you desire, and when you achieve it, please do not bother me to release you from your chains.  Those chains are what you fought to receive, and receive them you shall. 

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