POTUS asked AG to review how leak investigations are done but some in the media refuse to meet with him. Kind of forfeits your right gripe.
Oh, really? We need an open season on pretentious dicks like him. Please tell me why any government employee should have "off the record" meetings with anyone in the press? Would that not defeat the entire purpose of having a press with freedom of speech? The very nature of an "off the record" meeting is secrecy, so is it correct to say that our government is no longer transparent?
If secrecy is the preeminent goal, do attendees need security clearances, and if not, then why not? It seems to me that if we need secrecy, then the veracity of every individual in the room ought to be questioned. How do you know that attendees are qualified to keep secrets, but most importantly to me, why is the Department of Justice, the head of DOJ in fact, making a stipulation of his meeting that it be "off the record"? I can only imagine that Holder believes the following, "I'm willing to talk to you, but you cannot repeat anything I say."
If Holder wants such a meeting, then a great question that ought to be asked is a simple word: Why? What exactly can Holder hope to convey that is important enough for individuals in the press corps to know, but too secret for the American public? Am I too immature to know what Holder wants to say? Can I not handle it? It is safe to say that it will be unclassified because you do not share classified information with reporters in the first place. It appears to me that Holder wants to get reaquainted with the people he made angry. It appears to me as an olive branch, "Hey baby, come back home, let's talk things over, I'll be good this time, I promise not to hit you again."
All of this brings me to my last question: Does this not violate some sort of public access to information law? I cannot imagine that Holder is going to brief reporters on who shot Kennedy or that aliens have landed in Area 51 but we have no need to panic because Obama has it under control. What right does a reporter have to withhold information from the public, and what right does a public official have to demand secrecy from the only people in American who are capable of keeping me informed of what goes on in this White House?
Democratic Spox: Media Forfeit the Right to Gripe Unless They Attend Holder Meeting
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