I guess I'm not understanding who exactly Bill Ayers is and what exactly he did. I've heard he was part of some bombings, but I really chalked it up to hearsay in that he's not in jail. I presumed that someone who bombed anything would be sitting in jail. The Unabomber is in jail. Timothy McVeigh is in jail. Charles Manson is in jail. I've read about people who tried to blow up a district attorney's car because they were in trial and the prosecutor was trying to send them to jail. They were caught, prosecuted, and sent to jail for attempting to cause the prosecutor harm. It actually sounds a lot like what Ayers tried to do to a judge.
In this speech (click here), Ayers states that he was part of the bombings that the Weather Underground tried to perpetrate. I guess I'm having a hard time understanding how someone who bombed anything is able to become a professor at all. Was he not convicted? Is he not a felon? If he was found not guilty, is this his way of flaunting double jeopardy? If he was guilty, how does a college recruit a felon to teach at a college? Are there not enough non-felons applying for jobs that you need to hire a felon because he has some sort of philosophy to which you ascribe? If it is philosophy that one is after, is it not true that even Charles Manson probably has a philosophy as well? I imagine that in some way, even Manson may have a contribution to make if a former terrorist can rise to the level of professor.
I cannot comprehend how Democrats knew that Ayers, a terrorist, had documented ties to a presidential candidate, and knew that Ayers was and is a terrorist in the same mold as Timothy McVeigh and the Unabomber, yet they still elected the candidate to high position.
In my years in the military, I served as an officer, a leader of Marines. In one position, I needed a Top Secret security clearance that required me to submit any and all information pertaining to the smallest details of my life, yet my position actually exposed me to no truly sensitive information. If I gave the name of an associate who was a known terrorist, I would never have received a security clearance even though I may not have ascribed to his viewpoints and may never have come in contact with information that may have had the potential to have been compromised. Conversely, the President had this association with a known terrorist, and now has access to the highest level of secret information known in our country, and every bit of information has the potential of being compromised.
Our thought processes as Americans are inherently flawed, but I will qualify my statement. I am to the point that I no longer think that these ignorant people, those who refuse to think, the ones who reject accountability in the smallest and most minute form, are American at all. I refuse to accept that my country harbors such derelicts that they will elect the most degenerate people, those of highest risk, those of questionable backgrounds, if for no other reason than for what the electable individual promises during a stump speech.
At the end of the day, after our elections are decided by cowards and vagrants, what will be left for the brave and knowledgeable and for those of us with principles who love freedom and cherish the foundation of a free society? I do not accept a life determined by those who refuse to think about consequences or by those who demand service as if service is deserved or somehow required of those we elect. It is time to reject these people as parts of our society. They do not earn it as they suck the very life from our bodies. They take away that which we rightfully received in an effort to hijack it for their own personal pleasure as if it were a joy ride to last the entirety of their natural lives that when ended will leave nothing for those left behind. As for me, I will stand on my principles no matter how ridiculed they may be by this subclass of degenerates. I will stand for freedom. I will stand for my country.
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